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(Solved): Q: ?The database mu&…..

QUESTION Question help_outline Image Transcriptionclose ?The database must be organized in a logical manner True False O fullscreen ANSWERS: Solution for first question Since you have asked multiple question, we will solve the first question for you. If you want any specific question

(Solved): Q: Java: What’s the&…..

QUESTION Question Java: What’s the difference between choice A and choice D? The correct answer is A. fullscreen ANSWERS: Step 1 Answer: Option A is v0….vvIndex–1 and w0…wvIndex–1 Contains no common value, vIndex dN and wIndex dM. Given precondition: v0….vN–1 and w0….wM–1 initialized with integers.v0<v1 < … < vN–1 and v0 < w0 < w1 <….<wM–1 v