(Solved): zy-63-multiple-else-branches-https-learnzybookscom-zybook-snhuits11academicyear2017-chapte-q37132023….


zy 6.3. Multiple if-else branches × ð   https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/SNHUITS11AcademicYear2017/chapter/6/section/3 My lib

zy 6.3. Multiple if-else branches × ð https://learn.zybooks.com/zybook/SNHUITS11AcademicYear2017/chapter/6/section/3 My library >IT 511:Object Oriented Application Development home> 6.3: Multiple if-else branches zyBooks ezyBooks catalog @ Help/FAQ ¸ Michael Weeks ¼ Feedback? CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.3.3: Multi-branch if-else statement: Print century Write an if-else statement with multiple branches. If givenYear is 2101 or greater, print “Distant future” (without quotes). Else, if

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